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Graceful inspirations
written by Giacomo Belloni
The works of Stefano Calisti are delicate, gentle, almost impalpable works with a sprinkling of sweetness. His landscapes are hospitable, offering a sure refuge where we can enter without fear of being caught up with, certain that we can stay until the danger passes. Creating an ethereal, atmosphere, he transports us into an enchanted, poetry-filled world.
He has the rare capacity for synthesis and for this reason manages to satisfy everyone. The externalization of his inner world answer the viewer's need for quietness, which is expressed through graceful, almost elementary, synthesis. What he proposes with is paintings is his own inner world, just as it is, without any falsifications: the Marche hills, the clear skies, vegetation with oak which strongly dominate his florid, fecund native territory. Everything is shown in magical colours: scarlet firmaments, orange fields, cobalt oaks. He uses ochre for the houses, copper and white yellow for the corn fields; the foliage wear Venetian red. Colour is his distinctive sign, his unmistakable signature. Calisti has been called “the colour magician” because of his skill in choosing, mixing and dosing the tones of his palette. He uses flat fields of colour, eliminates any heaviness, avoid unnecessary nuances, always making the paintings immediate and digestible, with hues which are never aggressive or hard to read.
His works are graceful, soft poems, emblems of a man's, rather than an artist's, way of being. Taking everything less seriously is the result of precise, conscious choices which have grown out of deep reflection, because beyond the dark, oppressive cloak of appearance lies an enchanted word wich can still seduce us. The word of his paintings.
NOTA BENE: ARCHIVIOARTE non ha alcun fine di lucro. Ogni proposta qui contenuta ha la sola finalità di promuovere la diffusione dell'arte in quanto considerata patrimonio di tutti e per tutti. Ogni iniziativa, ogni azione ed ogni pubblicazione è autoprodotta e diffusa unicamente per amor di cultura e per il convincimento che la sua condivisione ci possa rendere più ricchi spiritualmente e più liberi.
Nulla di quanto qui pubblicato ha contenuti politici.
"È vero, principe, che una volta avete detto che il mondo sarà salvato dalla bellezza?" Dostoevski, L'Idiota